
It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both

A Picture will go here

Allegory is a story within a story, like a parable. Normally, they have a deeper meaning throughout history. Jesus spoke in parables when he told his stories to his followers. There are many writers who did the same. I personally enjoy those types of stories. I could go into those stories, but that’s for a different time. One that does come to mind that fits this narrative is by George Orwell: Animal Farm. It explains that even with a revolution of the people, there will always be another system set in place that could become corrupt.

The story goes: The animals on the farm grew tired of the way they were treated and decided to overthrow the humans. Everything went fine, then they set up a system where the pigs had the power, and everything went back to exactly how the farmers had been treating them. Orwell wrote this about Russia and how their system failed. A revolution happened, and now they are back under that type of rule yet again. It explains the corruption that power can bring.

I will admit that when I write, I do a lot of complaining, but it's only because I want to be fair to all people. There is another side to me, too. I do not have perfect thoughts all the time, and a lot of the time, my first solution to the bullshit is just destroying it—like a child would tear up a toy because it isn’t doing the right thing. Then I have to think differently and be a better person.

Tonight, I’ve been feeling like I need to express myself from a world leader’s viewpoint instead of just as a bum citizen. I am going to match the emotions and feelings I feel when I actually mingle with the people. I’m going to throw my peace-loving hippie vibes out the window with this writing. These are not actions I will take, but some will screenshot this and say, “LOOK WHAT THEY SAID,” for a dollar or a laugh, selling me for their benefit.

All I am really doing is writing an allergory

As president of Monkey Land, I will rule with an iron fist, knowing everyone’s moves and motives through high-level surveillance. My eyes will be everywhere, making sure no one steps out of line. I’ll create my own bank and kill off all other currencies, forcing everyone to use my money. This way, I control not just their lives but their wallets.

I won’t always treat the lower-class people badly; I’ll throw them crumbs now and then to keep them working for my pocket. They’ll think they’ve got a stake in the system, and that keeps them loyal. But loyalty in my world isn’t free; it’s earned through manipulation and fear.

I’ll conquer nation by nation, using whatever means I need—blackmail, murder, war. I don’t care. My supplies will be unlimited. Even the biggest nations will see my power and want to join—not because I’m doing anything different than what they’ve done, but because I’m honest about how I plan to take over the world.

I’ll use religion in my favor, twisting it to rally the masses. It’s written that wars are fought in the name of faith, so I’ll do it in whatever religion fits the conflict best. I’ll control voting and use propaganda to get the weak-minded on my side. Those aggressive types will be my street enforcers, forcing votes my way.

I’ll rewrite all the laws for all the lands. Only those with high status will be allowed around me, and they better be the biggest ass-kissers you’ve ever seen. Like Machiavelli said, “It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both.” I’ll make sure fear drives my reign, while those who want to be close to me do whatever it takes to stay in my good graces. This will ensure that I maintain control. The entire point is control, right? Who wants a leader who is kind and caring? Weaklings. I will also take all the weak people and get rid of them, if your fat.. you're gone. Old? Bye Bye. In monkey land there is no room for the weak. We will only breed superior creatures from humans to animals. Any defects will be discarded or studied.

If the masses ever try to overthrow me, they’ll be met with laughs because no one but my people will have access to weapons or the materials to make them. I’ll buy up all the farmlands and control the food and water. I’ll own all the houses, too. You think you own that house you bought? WRONG. That’s mine, and I can seize it whenever I want. The people will have no power, and my small few will have all the power.

-Diary of a mad leader