
A new form of beauty

A Picture will go here

Power, greed, and the exploitation of people to get resources. So basically money and power when it all goes to the root. Why do people need to blow stuff up to prove they are better and bigger than someone else?

Like bro, I need those apples you sell because we love apples, and we need some oil, buddy, help us out some.

Oh, you need some corn? We got you.

I can send rice and beans

This is how it should be, not "I might shoot some nukes your way" or "I'll be flying the best jets and have the best war shit." That gets nothing done... reeeeeee, you have a red button, they have a red button, and everyone has a red button. I'm sitting here asking you leaders to think for yourself here. Why the fuck haven't you pushed the button? Are you scared to die? What are you scared of? You'll have others killed, but you're too chicken to push the button in fear for yourself. That should really make people think about who their leaders are. My fear is that humans are too stupid to see reality.

You give war, while a real leader is someone strong, fair, open-minded, and morally sound someone who understands the value of equality and justice for all nations and, who recognizes the need for redemption for those who have faltered. Someone hell-bent on revenge is not a good leader at all. What kind of barbaric mindset is that, and who in the fuck would vote for someone like that?

The actions of Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, do not reflect the will of the Jewish people or Israel as a whole. Israel has been a friend to many, and Jewish people are not responsible for the aggressive policies of their leaders. Netanyahu’s actions in Gaza, which have drawn global eyes, are his own. He is making Jewish people look bad as well as America in this conflict. Many suspect he has been secretly funding war efforts to maintain control, and if we look back at previous attacks, much of the narrative doesn’t align with reality. The group blamed for the attacks doesn’t match the values of Islam, leading some to believe that Netanyahu has created a false enemy to justify his aggressive military responses. Sound familiar? Is this group trying to make Islam look bad? What's the deal here? It's something to really question.

The Israeli people, like everyone else, want peace and security. We cannot place blame on them for the decisions of their leader. The resolution to these conflicts is possible if someone is willing to work together. The global community must avoid falling into the trap of blaming entire populations for the actions of a few. We should never let racism or bigotry overshadow the truth that this isn’t about Jewish people—it’s about Netanyahu’s leadership. The biggest step is removing Netanyahu.

It’s always the people who suffer in wars, not the leaders. Soldiers, civilians living in conflict zones, and taxpayers paying for the wars are the ones who lose. Wars over oil, land, or resources often serve the interests of the wealthy and powerful, not the average citizen. Young people are sent to die for causes that don’t benefit the majority, while those in positions of power remain safe and continue to profit. Leaders like Netanyahu perpetuate these conflicts for personal gain, but the people—the real source of power—are growing tired of this.

Redemption plays a major role in all of this. No leader is perfect, and no nation is without fault. We must understand that a leader who truly seeks peace and justice must recognize their past mistakes and be willing to change. It’s easy to point fingers, but as the saying goes, "He who is without fault, cast the first stone." I promise anyone throwing a stone is a hypocrite. We must work together to fix these conflicts, not with hatred or division, but with a spirit of redemption and collaboration. This is how it was meant to be from the very beginning. This is how it is in the Bible, coughs Putin.

The Trump administration demonstrated the dangers of self-serving leadership. Many Americans live in fear, wondering if this is the life they’re supposed to lead, constantly anxious about their safety and unsure of their place in society. This is not the America our forefathers intended. They scream "1776" yet fight against it. Sometimes I think people just need something to be mad at or to blame...

Trump’s leadership focused on benefiting his allies rather than the majority of citizens, creating a society where success is achieved by "kissing ass". Leaders like Trump and Netanyahu use fear and division to maintain control. They play old games but people still fall for these games. A large part of today’s conflict is driven by the pursuit of oil and other valuable resources. Raise your hand if you like to kiss your ass.

Corporations like [Enter any oil or weapons manufacturer name here] have deep ties to the nations involved in these conflicts, and military action is often taken not to defend human rights but to secure these resources. The result? Wars that destabilize entire regions, causing untold suffering to the people living there. Causing people to hate them. Leaders must confront Netanyahu, not out of hatred, but out of a responsibility to end this cycle of war and greed. This is not giving the Middle Eastern leaders a pass, they are also at fault for allowing a small sect of people to enjoy the benefits of the money from drug trades, resources, and oil trading.

Now I want to sit back and express something I have noticed.
In the news and everywhere you can read or hear all about it, there is still a major bias here. No one talks about trading blood for oil. All these independent podcasts and opinion forums leave us blinded to the REAL threats to civilization. Continue trading blood for oil and see what happens next. All leaders need to hear this and understand, the higher power is not pleased by the sacrifices you offer it. You can feel it in the streets, on the back roads, in the country, in the city. You can feel it in the churches. Everywhere.

I recall listening to one of my friends tell me how they got gas to Pakistan. He said that in Iran they pour the gas in these big barrels and drive over the border in extremely hazardous environments, risking their lives and others just to live. Why do they do this? Because Iran has an abundance of oil. Personally, I would want to be on speaking terms with a country that can help others. It's about working together, not against each other. Hello, are you listening to me?

Who the blank are you gonna blame next? The aliens?

Notice how I don't say China here? Well China isn't doing much except trrying to be nice with all people. Ehhh the hacking stuff is there but not murdering people for oil and land. Just a thought there.