
Terrorist? Not here!

A Picture will go here

When people think of terrorists, they often picture masked men plotting mass destruction. Most of the time, they imagine some foreign nation sending people over here to blow things up, like the infamous 9/11 attacks, where allegedly some Saudi Arabian men flew planes into buildings, killing and terrifying countless people. Or, they think of someone screaming "God is Great" in another language while blowing themselves up along with others. These are indeed acts of terrorism, but terrorism is a much more complex topic than just that.

What is terrorism exactly? It's an act that incites fear and hostility. This terror doesn't have to be on foreign soil for the terrorists; it can happen anywhere. If an individual or group is out there inciting fear, they are, by definition, terrorists. People don't have to die for it to be a terrorist act. The only real goal of a terrorist is to make you scared and feel trapped to achieve a goal. I've noticed a pattern that shows this terror is spread by different means, even in various tones and environments. This can range from famous people and influencers to real-life managers and lower-level employees. It includes underground criminal activities, military actions, police tactics, and political maneuvers. It’s hard to explain, but it’s easy to say, "You can buy anyone" (except me). It feels freeing not to sell out, and I have God's blessings and guidance. We all know that by now. Thank you, God.

Thank God I have more sense about me than Terry Davis. RIP Terry. You were a real friend. My real-life mentors were loser computer nerds and phreakers from the '80s and '90s. That’s my core, and God granted me knowledge and wisdom. Thank you, God.

I was thinking to myself, how can I counter-terrorism? If I were to start with a low-level form of terrorism, I would focus on individuals who try to provoke anger and upset others. We see it and hear it everywhere—on the radio, in stores, at the doctor’s office. I’ve noticed that what they’re doing is a form of intimidation. One way I’ve found to counter this is through actions. Some lunatic yelling in a store looks foolish. I believe it will be even more embarrassing for them later if you let them yell and act stupid. That’s winning. When someone is upset, smile. I get upset too, but I feel my online journal is key to keeping my mind at ease. I put real passion into my thoughts and feelings, but I’m also smart enough to know what to reflect on and learn from. This keeps you always five steps ahead in any situation. So, that’s one way to counter terrorism from someone who is trying hard to incite fear or hurt. When you stay silent in the moment, they’re the ones who end up looking foolish and getting put on the radar.

Now that we have that on the table, let's discuss the assassination attempt on a person. This kid had a lot going on, and they used him to commit a crime. I had a group of individuals who were Trump supporters tell me they would mail me a gun that I would have to assemble. Similarly, this kid was in communication with a group of people who sent him guns to put together. This group, which gave him a sense of purpose, committed a terrorist act. They tried to hide their communications and even helped fund him in various ways. They gave him ideas, and I fully believe these terrorists on U.S. soil wanted to kill one of their own and used this kid, knowing he had a rough life. How sick is that? If they can carry out terrorism to this extreme on American soil, what else can they do? And who will they target next?

I thank God every day that they couldn't do that to me. They can jail me, kill me, or beat me, but I’m still going to stand on my integrity, which they do not have. Those individuals will never have integrity and should be thrown into a prison or brig. But how do you counter something like that?

That’s on another level. It starts in schools, with parents, the school system, and public service announcements. I fully believe that’s what they tried with me. Yes, I am a loner. Yes, I am quiet, and I keep to myself, and I do have an explosive personality. But they didn’t count on me being a good person. They are pretty pathetic—they seek out people they deem weak to get them to do what they want. How did I counter that? By being a good person and, no matter what, doing what’s right.

Now, I just spoke about low-level terrorist acts, and I won’t go into the more extreme ones because I don’t want to give anyone ideas. I want to focus on countering them. We need more surveillance and greater security measures in public places, even if it means some invasion of privacy. We need to write better laws and provide law enforcement with more training. We also need more funding to create a safer world. Sadly, the fact that people commit these acts has brought this upon everyone. A friend of mine once said, “This is why we can’t have nice things.” So, thank you to all you domestic terrorists, from low levels to high levels. What are you going to do—call me a loser? Say, I’m fat? Say, I’m ugly? What are you going to do have me jailed, kill me, or beat me? Spit on me? What are you going to do?

You’re the reason mass surveillance will happen. You’re the reason your friends and family end up in jail for trying to destroy America. You’re the reason things are going to get very real, very soon. Whatever you do to me, you can’t change what you’ve started. The future is AI, and the web AI has created will be able to piece everything together and distinguish the terrorists from the good people. All these people claim they “do this for a better country,” but their actions prove otherwise and will make things harder and harder for future generations. Good job, assholes. I feel more sorry for the pawns in the game. Some are just really, really stupid. Re.

I hate this, and it shouldn’t have been this way. Why do people think anger, fear, and hate work? I don’t want anything to do with it. I watched an ex-military man try to act like a staff sergeant, cussing at someone and using insults and bad language. I thought, “That dude’s dumb.” He’s either going to look unhinged or already looks unhinged and might catch a charge. 'That's a "Reeee' boys, stay clear, do not engage".

Now, I need to be clear here: the 2016 election was hacked, and Trump won through hacks and propaganda. The reason why Trump made such a big deal about the 2020 election is that he knew it was hacked, and so did some of the people involved. Trump and his people feared that if they could do it, someone could do it to them. Once he started screaming he instilled the idea. This ties into election integrity, from low levels to high levels. This can also be seen as a form of terrorism due to the disruption it caused in the country on such a large scale, involving other nations. This topic is so deep that you could write books about it, but I won’t because my blog is small, and it’s only meant to get things out of my head.