
Wake up America, you've been sleeping too long

A Picture will go here

I will be as straightforward as possible about this. I want people to understand that even if we don’t agree on certain issues, we can still collaborate effectively. I am a team player; I’ve always been one when it was for the right cause. As soon as it stopped being about the right things, I tend to walk away because that’s not who I am.

I do not agree with much of what Elon Musk says, but he is a prominent figure and a voice. I view Elon through this blog post with an unbiased lens and believe he has a role in the global world. We can’t simply exclude Elon from our economic considerations. I believe there are solutions for everything. I'm all about fair compromises, where both parties might sacrifice something valuable for the greater good. We shouldn’t entirely discredit Elon.

Similarly, we shouldn’t completely dismiss Alex Jones either. What we need is open communication. We all know that individuals like Elon and Alex are outspoken, loud, and assertive. How do you engage with people like that? I know myself; I am a team player and prefer things to run smoothly in all my roles. I am also a hothead with a brain injury. This doesn’t always work in my favor, but I understand that to achieve results, one must be clear-headed and non-confrontational. I’ve heard networks criticize both of these individuals. It might be a good time to step back from name-calling and seek unity, even in the face of opposition.

I understand how these individuals feel. It’s unpleasant, and at the same time, they are making similar remarks about others. I’m not sure if anyone is noticing this pattern. If we continue this behavior, how will we ever make progress? It’s fighting a losing battle when you reflect on everything happening. Is everyone really working against their own interests here?

I use these two guys as examples, but they are not the only ones that have been done like this. All sides are guilty of ostracizing individuals. It's not a good idea to dismiss people just because you don't agree. Invite Elon as a friend to have dinner. How can work with Twitter? How can we possibly work with Tesla? How can we give Alex Jones some rare data? How can we make them see?

Let's not be closed minded here.