
A small look at National Security

A Picture will go here

When an individual thinks of National Security most of the time they have the idea of military and police and border control, guards, and informates. It's not wrong to think like this but it's a dumbed-down version of National Security.

My disclaimer: I want to be clear here I do not feel fully safe exposing all I do know about this topic because I do not want to be accused of doing anything to help anyone get hurt. I do not condone harming people or animals for any reason, I'm against the torture of anyone and I am Anti-war. On this particular topic, I am very bleeding heart liberal. I do not want to give someone evil any ideas, which I have learned over the years evil people will use unsuspecting individuals to do evil things. That is not my purpose, my purpose is to inform and help the world. I know we can all work as one and it is the future.

Back to National Security. Have you ever taken a road trip and the only thing you had was the radio in your car? Do You ever listen to local stations from place to place? Did you know that those radio personalities are only for entertainment purposes? They play FCC regulation songs. Those get paid by ads, they use their voice to tell people things and they are what's available on the radio stations. These people's voices are for sale. Anyone can go to them, and pay them to say things they want them to say.

Now in a lot of areas in America, it's rural. These radio people sell themselves to people with the most money. This is a Security issue, why? If I was a foreign nation trying to rip apart America I'd buy the voices to say what I wanted them to say and spread propaganda. I'd pick poor less educated areas to start, I'd pick the religion channels as well. It would just take a few dollars from a rich drug lord or someone who can benefit from destroying a nation from within. The thing is some people do this thinking it's the right thing they are unsuspecting idiots in the game that's being played. Maybe I am too, but that's not my intention. Then others want the war that's been brewing and it's cheap (because they want to see everyone killed and people starving). This is the goal most of the time when it comes to buying local radios.

Let me tell you something about Putin and the CCP and how they catch suspected spies. If Putin suspects a spy he will know everything from the size of your shoe to when you pick your nose. He will know your routines if you have one, he will know what you eat, what you drink, where you go, and what you buy. He will also get access to all CCTV cameras where you have been, contacting and controlling employees, some who want to play a long and then some unsuspecting. Putin will even go as far as paying people to follow you around in stores. What does this mean? It means that if Putin is doing this then it's being done now in other places including America. Putin does control some Americans in these ways, they do these things for many reasons.

I'll expose the most common reason. To get close and to help spread propaganda or collect data on something else related to the target. Americans are cheap to rich people so it's easy for them to get what they want. Imagine selling out like that? I have watched spies and unsuspecting people get bought and sold like cattle. One time I watched a bunch of weirdos pay people to lie on others. I'm sorry but I can't do that, even lying is out of the question. Some people live for this and love it. I cannot. I want to be clear I am not perfect I have made mistakes some mistakes were trying to do the right thing. I've messed up a few times in life I just hope to be better each day. That's all I can do, and I hope one day these people will do better too, and learn that what they have done to others was probably not a good move.

Imagine the little things I spoke about being used against police and some military including those who all hold the keys to the nukes. These tactics would cause serious National Security threats on a global scale, ya know? If people are already bought and sold and they hold the keys to the nukes and they are all on the same page ... well ask yourself, would we even have a world anymore?

I've tried to explain many times in other posts that what one nation does against another that cycle will just be recycled to the next country and the next set of people. Blowing yourself up on purpose kinda sounds dumb, ya know? The people are the National Security, let me repeat that. THE PEOPLE ARE THE NATIONAL SECURITY.

All of these tie into security breaches. I want to be very clear on this. Your data isn't just about money, your data is vital to other nations, that data can be connected to your jobs, your family's jobs, and your friend's jobs. In those jobs might be some highly sensitive data that other nations need to get inside the heads of military personnel/Government personnel and even into the minds of the people. This is a serious issue I don't see anyone addressing. Sure you will read about it on some hacker forum. You can even go buy your piece of the data. It's for sale much like the people in America are for sale. I've been saying since 2015 that everything is hacked. I've even been hacked "kinda" on purpose. Learning from experience..... lol. That's why I know and they know I know.

Hackers go in and try to use people's data to change people's medications

I said earlier I would not expose too much because unlike most of the people I have met in the last year, coming out of my isolation, they have all been compromised so easily, and they fall into everything I've said. Unlike these people, I care about the people's National Security. I care about the people and their safety even at the cost of my own. I bet most of the people reading this can't say that. I have gone through hell in America so I could in the end protect people. So, I don't give a fuck what you do to me, I know I did the right thing even if I did make mistakes along the way. In that, I can walk in dignity with throw up on my shoes. Even though I am mad at you Alex Jones, sometimes to catch a gremlin you get gremlin shit on your pants.

In the end, our National Security is pretty fucked because of so many factors. The ones I wrote about are just the tip of the iceberg. I think we should probably take it more seriously. Anonymous reports coming straight out of the CIA and FBI fields are saying we are headed for something we aren't ready for. My uncle told me a long time ago, to be careful what you wish for. I don't care if I die... but do you? Do you care about your family? Your friends? Then I'd probably take National Security seriously, if they can do it to me they can do it to anyone.

God, please bless America.

Like dude, why aren't they taking this seriously?